Developing a new iceberg forecasting service and improving the quality of Arctic sea ice forecasts across Copernicus Marine and Climate Change services
Newsletter No. 4
Read about the most recent updates from the ACCIBERG project in our latest newsletter:
Release of ICECAP software
Retrieving and comparing different sea ice forecasts (from operational forecasts and climate models) used to be a cumbersome task, but ECMWF has finally made our life simpler by developing a software package coined ICECAP (sea-Ice Calibration, vErifiCA
ACCIBERG 2nd Annual Meeting
All ACCIBERG partners and Advisory Board members are invited to the 2nd Annual Meeting, taking place as a hybrid event, both online and in Oslo, Norway.
Draft Agenda:
- 21st January from 10:00 to 16:00. Scientific presentations to review the progress and problems at exactly half the duration of the project.
- 22nd January from 9:00 to 12:00. Technical discussions to delve in-depth into technical matters.
Please could all attendees (online and in person) register via the link here, by the 10th January 2025.
The meeting will take place at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway), directions to get there can be found on their website. The address is:
Henrik Mohns plass 1
0313 Oslo
Phone: +47 22 96 30 00
The easiest and quickest way to travel to MET Norway from Oslo Airport Gardermoen is by the airport express train. But you can also go by express bus.
Recommendations for hotels in Oslo:
- SmartHotel
- ComfortHotel
- Thon Hotel Gyldenløve
- Thon Hotel Slottsparken
- Thon Hotel Europa
Tuesday 21st January 2025
10:00 Laurent Bertino: Reminders of ACCIBERG and status at mid-term.
10:30 WP2 session
Steffen Tietsche (ECMWF) WP2 overview (10 mins)
Daniel Befort (ECMWF, online): ICECAP version 1 (20 min)
Renaud Dussurget (MOi): plans for ICECAP deployment on EDITO (15 min)
Jiping Xie / Yue Ying: Initial sea ice ensemble forecasts with ECMWF EPS (15 min)
Michael Mayer (ECMWF, online): Update on SPP work (15 min)
12:00 - 13:15 Lunch
13:15 WP3 session.
Marina Durán Moro (MET Norway): Assimilation of Level-1 Brightness Temperature
13:45 WP4 session
Laurent Bertino / Achref Othmani / Mohamed Babiker (NERSC) WP4 overview (20 minutes)
Jørgen Buus-Hinkler (DMI): progress in remote sensing of icebergs
Nick Hughes (MET Norway) Plans for iceberg buoys and IceWatch
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 WP5 Discussion items:
Laurent Bertino (NERSC) Reporting of ACCIBERG (10 minutes)
Take-home from stakeholder and user workshop 8th November in Frascati
Olivia Faumy (MOi, remotely): Further avenues for dissemination of ACCIBERG
Broader Discussions / plans towards the coming period
16:00 End of formal meeting.
Wednesday 22nd January 2025
9:00 - 10:45 Detailed technical discussions (2-3 breakout groups)
WP2: ICECAP integration in WEkEO, ARC-MFC ensembles, stochastic sea ice modeling
WP3: Data Assimilation of Tb in TOPAZ5 (Thomas, Marina, Yue, Atle)
WP4: Iceberg buoys and OpenBerg Demonstrations (Laurent, Nick, Keld, …)
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Summary from the breakout groups (Steffen, Thomas/Marina, Laurent)
12:00 End of meeting
Newsletter No.3
ACCIBERG Newsletter August 2024
Catch up with the most recent updates in the ACCIBERG project
A series of training and stakeholder workshops will take place to demonstrate the ACCIBERG results, get user feedback and provide training for a range of Copernicus Marine services including white ocean data, MDS, MyOceanPro, and training with Jupyter notebooks, as well as the Arctic Hub.
The first ACCIBERG Stakeholder workshop will take place on 8th November 2024 in Frascati, Italy. Registration is open now: First ACCIBERG Stakeholder Workshop.